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Online Ph And Tds And Ss And Bod And Cod

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Industrial pH Sensor MS pH 02


Range : 0 to 14pH

Body : CPVC

Type : Combination

Sensor Output : mV (± 59.4 mV/pH change at 25°C)

Pressure : 6 Bar

Temperature : 0~80°C

Junction : Double Junction Ceramic

Process Connection : ¾” BSP Male

Mounting : Immersion or in-line mounting

Cable Length : 5 Meter with BNC connector

TDS – Total Dissolved Solids Controller
YASH Series YASH -912 is TDS Indicator specially designed for various industrial applications. These can be used for monitoring Conductivity of a solution. The measuring range and control points are settable through the keypad on front fascia and control output is available at the rear terminals. Retransmission output, communication port are additive features of the model.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Calibration Services, Cems Emission Monitoring System, Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System, Inspectin Services, Magnetic Partical Testing, Ndt Testing, On Site Inspection Service, Online Ph And Tds And Ss And Bod And Cod, Penetrant Testing, Radiography Testing, Third Party Inspection, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Testing, Weather Monitoring Station, Yash Combo Sampler, Yash Gaseous Sampling, Yash Hvs, Yash Pm Sampler, Yash Rds Sampler, Yash Stack Kit